There is a new feature Amazon Remembers, that allows you to take pictures of products you see which you would like to buy, and Well here's your answer, just shop, read reviews, check order status, while waiting to pick up your kid from school or at the doctors. Amazon: You've been needing to shop for a new stroller or the latest Xbox game for your teen, but haven't had the time to even shop online. It's nice to have any extra safety assurance, when we're with our kids. It fills the screen with bright light to illuminate your surrounding in a dark spot.

Flashlight: We may not all carry a flashlight in our purse, but we rarely go anywhere without our phone. TMZ's style is different and blunt the way they deliver the celebrity news, which I enjoy. I still enjoy flipping through the magazines, but TMZ app is just as good. Anytime I wait in a line at the grocery store, I just flip through the magazines to get a quick snapshot of the latest celebrity gossips. I never spend money buying magazines.
Seth is almost 3, and he loves to fall asleep to the ocean waves crashing on the beach sound. It has sounds of the Ocean waves, rain, train tract, fan, thunder storm, chirping crickets. White Noise. If you have an infant, who refuses to go to sleep, this might just be what you need. These are my favorite iPhone apps, because they work really well around my lifestyle as a busy Mom.
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