So what is a smartphone? We can hold video conference calls with them now or set our DVD recorder to record a programme whilst we're away on holiday, but in years to come, you could potentially drive your own car to come and pick you up or televise a medical problem to your Doctors laptop. This could be a most exciting time for the user as to what they can expect from their phone re applications and innovation. What this means is that there are billions of dollars at stake in the development of this new order of mobile phone.

They are at the cutting edge of the communication world and are leaving the so called 'dumb phones' far behind. Smart phones now deliver a slew of services and apps that can aid every aspect of our lives. Mobile phones have moved on in the last 10 years from the black and white screen that could barely SMS, to the latest designs that embrace the very latest technological advancements. With 41 million smartphones sold in 2009 and 62 million so far this year, the rise of this new mobile wonder seems unstoppable.
When you realise that the moon-bound computers packed into a 363 ft Saturn Five rocket had to compute some 250,000 miles and back, deal with life support, propulsion and Earth entry management, it does make you look at the smartphone in your hand and truly marvel at it. A smartphone today has more advanced, refined computing power than the computers used during the Apollo space flights. True.
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