All cell phones, once powered on, emit certain amounts of electromagnetic radiation in the microwave radio frequency range. During the past 15 years or so, when mobile phone use has become phenomenally prevalent worldwide, the effects of this radiation on human health has come under intense study and has been the subject of numerous heated debates. These past years, we've seen report after report that associated prolonged mobile phone use and exposure to differing amounts of cellular phone radiation to brain tumors, cancer, stress, headaches, cognitive problems, and sleep disorders.

Most of these studies, however, have either been disputed by other scientists or deemed as biased by other groups who also produced evidence to the contrary. As such, there's no definitive, undisputed conclusion, as of yet, about cell phone dangers. Scientists warn, correctly, that there's so much that we don't know about the effects of mobile phone radiation, and that the full impact may actually be known years from now when it is too late to reverse any damage.
"The latency between exposure and brain cancer could be 20 or 30 years," observes Professor Devra Davis, at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute. By using cellular devices without any clear understanding of the dangers, "we are basically treating ourselves like lab rats in an experiment without any controls". To mitigate potential cell phone dangers, experts recommend certain safe practices in using wireless devices. Some of the most common recommendations are: Keep your cellular phone away from your body, text more and talk less, use headset or speakerphone function, use your land line, turn off your mobile phone while charging, keep cell phones away from children, and purchase or use phones that have been certified or tested to emit the least amount of radiation.

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