Mobile phone companies must think we are stupid. We never hear from them until our contract runs out. However in the last month of the 24-month contract, a letter or phone call comes our way. All of a sudden they are our best friend. They want us to stay with them. My wife's contract ran out in January. We were very happy with our company as their rates are extremely good and their customer service is not bad either. So like Sherlock Holmes, we jumped onto their website to check out their best 24-month contract deals.
After finding the perfect deal we called them up. Only to be told that this deal was only for new customers not existing customers. In fact all the deals we had looked at were for new customers only, not existing customers! There was a special website for existing customers to check out their deals. Let me assure you, this so-called special website was only special for the phone company, as these deals for existing customers were terrible. The phones were cheaper and the monthly amounts more expensive.
From what we can gather, would you believe all phone companies are like this? They are much more interested in finding new customers than keeping their existing ones. Didn't my loyalty count for anything? Paying my bills on time, Having two phones on the one bill, My 5 years plus of being a customer with them
Well apparently not! And we found this out once we tried to argue our case with the call centre. We even talked to a call centre team leader to be told there was nothing he could do. This answer did not please us. We wrote a letter to the company putting our pleas in writing outlining our argument why we should be allowed to take up this deal. Plus we even wrote in very black and white terms, that if they did not accept this deal we would be forced to change providers. While we really did want to stay with our current company, shopping around for a new deal was easy due to the internet. And as all these companies were like ours, and gave such great deals to new customers, it was like being a kid in a candy store. They were all trying to get new customers.
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