Sony Ericsson have produced some excellent handset over the years, from the hugely popular Cybershot series of models to the new and impressive looking Xperia range. A new model has been introduced into this latter line up in the shape of the X10 and looking at this model the phone certainly has a lot going for including a great quality display and a camera facility that puts many of its rivals to shame. So is this the handset to propel the Xperia range to the front of the smartphone pack, together with the likes of HTC and Apple?

Having looked over the model, it would be wrong to write about this phone without paying particular attention to the great display that is on offer. All to often mobile phone manufacturers get obsessed by either the size or the technology used in the screen, forgetting that a perfect blend of size, resolution and a number of other factors combine to produce the end result. Sony Ericsson evidently have not made this mistake by including a screen on the X10 that oozes quality. The size of the display is well considered at 4 inches which keeps the model away from the super large screens that are available, thus enabling it to be slightly more compact yet still larger than the average smartphone screen. Into this 4 inches Sony Ericsson have managed to achieve a superb resolution of 480 x 854 which eclipses what you can achieve on some of the larger screen models which boast only 480 x 800. What impresses even more about this display is that the manufacturers have opted away from the trendy AMOLED and stuck to the older, supposedly less impressive LCD screen. In doing this they have spent much time perfecting this technology with the end result being a screen which actually eclipses its more esteemed counterpart.
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